Apr 26, 2007

Is Pink the new Green??

Completely random question, I know. I am in my studio (yay!) playing with some new supplies and am slowly realizing my plethora of pink as of late. What is my deal? Did I suddenly decide to go all out girly? Or maybe Sarah is wearing off on me, with her permanent addiction to pink and (gasp) purple. No, purple is still on my 'do not associate with' list. I just don't think purple, it's never been my thing. But pink is in in my book, I guess. Let's take a quick inventory... New cell phone. Pink. It's SOOO girly, but I love it. But to be fair, if they had a lime or grass green razor, I would have been sold in an instant. New bike. Pink. Again, no green to be found, but I might have still swayed toward pink. It's just so cute. I cannot wait to get out and ride it. My common sense is barely winning that argument. But I'm sure that exercise is not what my healing gums need.
Ok, and back to pink, I have been using it a lot in the studio lately, not sure what that is about. I really am just amidst a love affair with color lately. I look at some of my old supplies and I'm like - "No way, just too bland, not enough color for me!". Guess it would be a good time to purge and bless some of my scrapbooking buddies, right?? Finding time and energy to purge, that's another story. Sarah happens to be taking the nap of the century. (woohoo) So I've been playing for an hour and a half already, almost finished with my page, it's pretty adorable in my humble opinion. Well, back to work. I'll post later.

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