Apr 18, 2007

random thoughts

I don't really have anything important to say, I just have a few free moments while I'm waiting for Rob to come stay with the kids. Other than Eli's video game, it's pretty quiet right now, and I relish that. :) I'm in a good place today. (it's a nice change) We had another mom and son over for lunch from MOPs this morning and it was a lot of fun. I finally feel like I'm starting to really connect with some people here, and that is really nice. I thrive so much on relationships.
I got an email from Expo last night about some more work they want me to do and it's just so exciting to me to be a part of something bigger than me! For so many years I've been home now, I love having something that is all mine and that is influential and that stays done once it's finished. Expo has been such a huge part of my life this past year and I am so grateful to it, for it. One of those things where you can just see God's hand tap you on the head with blessing, know what I mean? Anyway, my brain is percolating with ideas for these next projects. Love that.
When Rob gets home I'm heading out to do some serious shopping for the mother daughter banquet. This project is finding a lot of my energy, but I think it's going to be a huge success and I'm really looking forward to it! We are going with a southern theme, think magnolias and sweet tea... I want it to be super girly and fru-fru and fun. Even just getting to go to Hobby Lobby by myself this afternoon, I'm pretty psyched for that. A couple hours alone time. wow.

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