Apr 10, 2007

trying not to list my kids on ebay

I don't know if it's just cause we went back to school today, or if they are all hopped up on Easter candy, not sure. I'm just ready to smack my kids. I won't do it, but they are driving me nuts. Sarah REFUSES to take a nap, despite the fact they were both up until 9:45 last night and up at 7:30am. Grrr. I was hoping to squeeze in a nap today, but I can see that won't be happening. I'm just tired from the past two weeks, and it's making me cranky! :)
We have had a pretty good day over all, did school all morning, tryin gto make up for ten days off with Easter break and all. Eli did great. Then we had lunch and headed out to the library. I was sure I had thoroughly worn Sarah out, but I guess I was wrong. Too bad. Maybe we'll go do our errands now, but that doesn't sound like too much fun to me! :)

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