Apr 13, 2007

where I'm at today...

Still trying to resume my better blogging. But life is getting in the way of that. So in an effort to take charge, I'm just going to give you a briefing on where I'm at today...

1) starting to get serious about planning the Mother Daughter Banquet. I've been mulling this even over in my mind for several months now, but today I started scribbling things down on paper and I'm getting excited!! :) It's going to be a lot of fun. I think we are going to go with a southern theme. Kind of ironic for me, but whatever.

2) just finished homeschooling for the morning. I'm still struggling with balance. I always feel like I could be doing more with him, and hopefully I'll have my head more together next year and we will do more, but for now I'm just trying to juggle all that I currently have on my plate. Plus, I keep telling myself, it's only kindergarten, I'm probably overthinking this!! Looking forward to the homeschool PE group next week. The kids had such a great time at the easter egg hunt.

3) Trying to juggle our finances effectively, making sure everything goes where it should and making good decisions with the leftovers BUT still having enough to do the things we need to do.

4) LOVING the grocery game. Probably need to attribute all the leftovers to that. We so spend hardly anything on househhold 'stuff' any more and it's amazing. I need to go downstairs and take photos of my stockpile, because it's the only way anyone would ever believe me! :) But the basement is a disaster. Actually, my whole house is basically a disaster, but I just can't keep up, no matter how hard I try. And I do try. Rob told me yesterday that "laundry is the silent killer" when it comes to my time. I couldn't agree more.

5) Sad that we cancelled Cribs tonight. Rob is sick. Sarah is sick. Everyone is kind of grumpy here.

6) Ready to go 'do' something. I'm in the mood to shop or go to the zoo, or something. Kind of tired of housework. grr. Maybe I'll scrapbook this afternoon, if my daughter chooses to take a nap. Your guess is as good as mine - she's been kind of a pain lately.

So that's a snapshot of today. Wanna trade?? ;)

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