Jun 27, 2006

bringing you up to speed

I have to say that I feel bad, I've been kind of an obnoxious blogger lately - just popping in for a blurb here and there. I've had alot on my mind, but more than that I've been killing myself trying to get this house finished up and organized before Lori and Jay move in next week.

Realized a week ago or so how very driven I am, and that it's not really normal. But I'm trying to embrace it and at the same time recognize the need to slow down once in a while. I will, for certain, slow down when Lori arrives because I don't want to waste any time with her around.

I'm kind of in awe of them, stepping out in faith. I'm excited for their future. I'm praying that God gives Jay a great job, but I don't think a job is why they are moving here. I think God has an agenda for them at HAG and I'm excited to see what that is. Plus, I'm just excited to have my best friend in such a close proximity. It will be so much more fun then my headset and our 2 hour conversations.

I'm a little nervous about sharing a house long term, but it's a whole lot bigger than the Ozark house, so I just keep reminding myself of that.

I've been crazy busy with the house. I put up shutters last week, they look so nice - really updated the house. I also painted and moved the mailbox, put up new numbers and painted the back and front steps - the paint matches (exactly) the shutters. I found a wreath for the front and back door too, bought a marigold for the back and today I planted Morning Glories - to greet you at the back door. Also found a trellis for them to climb. I love morning glories. They are the next best thing to lilacs.

I spent this morning trimming all five of our hedges and sprucing up the yard. I realized today (if I'd ever had any fantasies) that I will never be a gardener. I didn't know how allergic I was to plant life. Just brushing up against the bushes, my arms are all red and itchey, still and it's been hours!!

I played a little this afternoon, my reward for the hard work this morning. But then I spent the rest of the afternoon doing dishes and making supper - a great new taco bake recipe I got from Kyndal. delicious.

Well, I've got a few pages to post. And then I'm off for a walk. It will be good to clear my head - these kids have been insane today.

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