Jun 16, 2006

I'm sure you are starting to wonder if I died.

But I haven't. I've just been consumed by my house lately. I've spent the past week mostly in 'Eli's Suite' stripping paper, painting and trimming. It's finished. Tomorrow afternoon I have the daunting task of putting it back together.

While I had the trim paint out, I finished trimwork in Sarah's bedroom, the kitchen and the master bathroom. And if I didn't suddenly feel the need to paint the master bath, I would say our house is done. But I do, so it's not.

Haven't the foggiest what to do with that bathroom. Not sure if I'll keep with the palm tree theme or go with something bolder. I've done a lot of bold in this house - would hate to disappoint now. :) I've been eyeing a shower curtain on Target's website, but reluctant to buy online because of reviews about the colors being darking in real life. I don't know. If I found a 'had to have' shower curtain it would push me over the edge on changing the whole color scheme. I should check out Gordmans or something tomorrow. Maybe I'll check the Target Greatland by the Galleria to see if they have it in stock so I can see it for real. Target happens to be right next to my all-time favorite store (probably even more than Archiver's -gasp- Crate & Barrel, who happen to be in the throes of their summer clearance sale!)

Tomorrow we head over to St. Louis to see my cousins. I'm excited, our children get along famously. Sara, my first cousin, is pregnant with number 2, due in the end of July. Her brother Rob (also first cousin) has flown in to see her, and I haven't seen him in almost four years!! Very excited. Her son is celebrating his 3rd birthday, so we got him a Rescue Hero w/ horse to play with. Eli loved Rescue Heroes at three. He still plays with them when he thinks of it.

I jumped on a trampoline tonight. We had Cribz and one of the neighbor people had a tramp, so I jumped like I was losing my mind. (not like I had to try too hard) It was great, forgot how much I liked being a kid. Eli kept laughing at me, but I was doing the splits and everything. Too bad my camera was back in the house!

And my teaser photo at the top is a total bragging thing, I ordered $134 worth of Fiestaware this morning, at a grand total cost to me of $8.96 or some such silly thing. The expotv thing totally paid off. If you have a camera and a fast internet connection it's totally worth your time. I spent about 2 hours making and uploading my videos, got a hundred dollars in Amazon gift certs and then Amazon was having a summer sale on kitchen stuff, buy $125 worth of stuff and get $25 off instantly. Plus, it was free super-saver shipping. So I finally have started my fiestaware collection, and it makes me giddy. I will be stalking the UPS guy for sure!!!

1 comment:

LC Masterpiece said...

ok... i really like that shower curtain. I'm not sure that you ever showed it to me... you just said you liked one at target. I say order it. It has free shipping so you can see if you like it and I would guess you can just return it to target if its too dark. Thats my vote... It looks like the fabric that I was liking for my kitchen chairs. Too fun. And I think you have just inspired me to get out that fabric and match fiestaware colors to it. Cool!!
Hope you have a good day.
