Jun 3, 2006

Red Lead

Finally got around to scrapping my fun pictures from Red Lead with Gibbler and I. So not at all what I had originally planned for these pictures, but this layout just kept evolving. The giant circle is Hambly Studios - I know, doesn't it make you want one? I'm pasting in the link just to enable you. sorry in advance. I find their product super yummy, but maybe it's a phase I'll grow out of, we'll see.

So I did the giant ring on the SEI paper background, then decided to cut the ring to overlap my pictures - a totally new thing for me, but I liked the results. Then I've been itching to play with these Doodlebug flowers and they seemed to fill the bill here. I had planned on doing the beaded centers on all the flowers, but it was pretty time consuming (since they are all sewn down) and Ashley suggested trying something else on the some of the centers. I had HAPPENED to bring these ancient mirror centers from Rebecca Sower and they were a perfect fit. The whole feel mimicks the manican, which I loved. And of course, top it off with my goofy mailbox stickers from Lowes, cause I'm lower-class like that. :)

On an aside, discovered a new glue last night. It's Scrappy Glue by Magic Scraps. Great for lumpy embellishments. Now, no heart attacks, please. I would never abandon my faithful Mono-multi. It's just that I'm getting to a point where I use Mono for EVERYTHING and I'm squeezing through a bottle a month - which bums out my checkbook quite a bit. I'm thinking if I diversify it might help a bit. Plus, Ashley let me try her bottle for free and it worked great on the giant flowers w/ mirror centers - dried really quickly too. And Mono is great for paper, but sometimes it's not quite enough for really lumpy stuff. So we're trying it.


Anonymous said...

Love the LO. You keep using all this new stuff which makes me not want to use my old stuff which used to be cool and new awhile back but I never used it after I bought it and now I want even more new stuff... it's a vicious cycle!! But I love it!!

antho said...

Old stuff can be cool again. I promise, I do it all the time!! Just use it in a new way!!
Besides, it's in a scrapbook, it will all be old eventually! tehee!