Jun 25, 2006

Six Flags

Wow. Took me a while to post, considering we went yesterday. And I'm honestly too tired to be doing this now, but I thought I would share a couple pictures real quick. I need to pick up my film (gasp) pictures tomorrow, Walmart was dumb and screwed them up. shocker, I know. BUt this is our group picture. And I wanted to share that I rode the Superman Tower of Power. It basically hauls your butt up in the air 234 feet only to drop you all the way down at a frightening speed. STRAIGHT DOWN!! Basically, if you've ever had that dream, where you are falling... It's just like that. Only the feeling of leaving your stomach at the top of the tower, it's real. Very awesome. Can't believe I had the guts to do it!

Overall, I was thoroughly disappointed with Six Flags. It was super expensive and I did about 4 rides total, but that's because we went on a peak day so we waited in lines forever. Very annoying. I'd like to go back say on a tuesday or something. It had a lot of potential. More when I get the rest of my pictures.

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