Jun 10, 2006

happy friday.

Good day over all yesterday. Yes, my kids drove me bonkers, but what is new??

Kim decided to come, so that was GREAT. Rob and I moved up our bike date - hope you enjoy the pictures. We rode for an hour - probably about four miles or so - we were slow. But Rob has a shiny new 18 speed bike w/ shocks and whatnot and I'm riding our vintage (tehee) 3 speed bike complete with child seat. He offered to trade me, but his bike is too pointy in all the wrong places, if you know what I mean! We had a good time, but I'm not 21 anymore and I didn't last as long as I would have liked. Plus, I really think the rust is what's still holding my bike together. If we are really going to do this family biking thing I probably need a new bike and a helmet. details. Speaking of bikes - you will not want to miss Rob's sermon on Sunday. It's going to be a good one. (it usually is)

So then Kimmie got here and we picked up Casey's pizza for supper. yum. We also rented Pride and Prejudice, which we are about to watch. After a late supper we put the kids to bed and decided to be crazy and catch a super late movie. The BreakUp was good, but parts of it were a little close to home. Kim and I sat in the car and talked till almost 2am. It was a short night because Brea was up at 6:15. Kim and I went for a walk this morning first thing, while it was still cool. It was beautiful. I am definitely going to keep up this exercise thing, it's giving me perspective.

Toying with the idea of going back to school. I'm going to call the local community college on Monday and see about some career counseling and financial aid planning, just to get an idea of what I might want to do.

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