Jun 7, 2006

what I did yesterday

These pictures may not mean much to you if you haven't seen my basement, but if you've been to my house you can see why this would be a big deal. But for anyone who has seen the pit that was my basement, you are now duly impressed.

I was on a roll yestererday, cleaning, vacuuming, organizing and yes, even stripping wallpaper. I'm almost finished with Eli's wall, another hour or so and I'll have it finished, never to strip another chunk of wallpaper again. At least not in this house. I'm taking the day off from wallpaper though, because my carpal tunnel is acting up big time in revolt to yesterday's trauma. So tomorrow I'll finish it and hopefully start painting. woohoo.

Today I am doing laundry and cleaning, organizing again. I'm on a roll and I'm reluctant to lose momentum. But my Stampdiva order came this morning, so I will probably be distracted for a bit with that. details. :)

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