Jun 28, 2006

feeling blessed at the moment.

My kids are (gasp) both watching Sesame Street. Very slowly in the past week or so, Sarah has decided that tv might not be that bad....

thank heavens.

I seriously was starting to think she would never be a tv watcher. Which I know that's terrible, but you have to understand the kind of kid she is... She is constantly on the move. We joke that she is a hungry lion, seeking whom she may devour. I know that is a horrendous thing to say about you 22 month old sweet baby girl, but she seriously has an appetite for destruction.

Today is going to be a laid back day - I am so sore from yesterday's exploits in the yard. Had no idea how much I had overworked my arms and back, but today I know!! I'm going to try and take it easy - just laundry and probably Walmart - grrr. I need to go though - I need some things for my Missionettes class tonight. I am looking forward to some more scrapbooking during naps, but maybe a nap myself is a better idea.. We'll see.

Stalking the UPS guy again. More fiestaware and a dustbuster on the way. woohoo. Can't wait to bust dust in my bathroom, I'm too excited to sleep!

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