Jun 19, 2006

a couple things on my mind today.

First of all, happy bithday Kyndal. Here is a picture of the card I made her yesterday. Kyndal is one of the many sweet people I've met at our church. She (and her family) are a great blessing to me and mine. :)

Secondly, I really enjoyed spending time with my cousins on Saturday. Wow, super blessed to have great cousins. Always sad I don't get to spend more time with them, because I'm always so thoroughly blessed when I do. I'm posting a few pictures here, of my cousins Rob (the less hairy one), Sara (the extremely pregnant one) and Marny. Marny is actuallymy dad's cousin, so I'm not exactly sure what that makes us, but cousins in some form or another. And there's Karl (the bithday boy) and Ernie (Sara's husband and our pal). We had a lovely time.

Sorry about blogging lately. We've been really swamped. This blog is important to me, but sometimes it falls further down on the to-do list. Speaking of - I'm really trying to be better about carving out time to relax and letting some things slide, a little bit, just for the sake of sanity. But hopefully I can talk about that later. I just really wanted to check in and reassure you (all four of you readers) that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, yet. Monday is rapidly becoming my favorite day of the week, since Rob has started taking it off. He's out powerwashing our house as I type. Off to scour paint off the porch steps. Cheerio and good Monday to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The card was soooo pretty, the picture doesn't do it justice. :-) THANKS, ANNA!!!