Jun 6, 2006

thinking about stripping

(tehee - that got your attention - didn't it?)

Just a quiet day here. Playing catch up on dishes, laundry and housework. I'm hoping to work some more on stripping the wallpaper in Eli's room. I decided (yesterday) that hell will definitely contain endless rooms of bad wallpaper to be stripped, because YES, it really is that dire of a task. Rob stripped wallpaper for about ten minutes with me yesterday and he couldn't agree more. His exact words were "I can't believe how much picking at it is involved, I thought it would be more scraping with a putty knife." If you have ever seen Fried Green Tomatoes - the part where the nurse is stripping roses off the wall in the nursing home - that's me in that room, although I never get a good chunk, I'm literally picking it off shred by shred, inch by inch. Does wonders for my carpal tunnel.

And on that note - I am never, never, NEVER moving from this house. I've invested way too much of myself in it. If Rob takes another position some day he'll have to go without me, because I'll hole up in the attic, rocking in the closet at the thought of leaving this big huge chunk of my heart here, exposed for everyone to see.

I'm rambling. But, hey, it's what I do.

Off to organize the basement and (bwahah) strip wallpaper.

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