Aug 14, 2006

VBS is over.

Whew. Deep breath. Now, I don't say that to say I didn't enjoy teaching. I totally did. I loved our job - 'the half-time show' as I lovingly called it. We did a lesson reinforced by a trick. PR did the tricks and I did the talking, it worked really well. But it was just exhausting on our kids - being up so late every night. So glad it wasn't the last week before school started like it normally is - that would have been too hard on Eli. Now I'm trying to get him back on his normal schedule.

VBS ended with a pie in the face for me, which was ok. Rob was kind. It was a contest between boys and girls - who ever gave the most won. If the boys won, I took the pie in the face, if the girls won Rob would take it. We lost, big time because Rachel gave her money to the boys. the traitor. :) But I chased Rachel down with two pies because she deserved it - giving to the boys bucket and all. It was fun.

Friday was a really great day though. We did the six flags thing with Kim and Lori and Jay and the kids. Everyone had a good time, but it wore them out. I guess we are just used to it. So wish we could squeeze in another day this week since it's their last week open - from now on it will just be weekends. But we have a pretty full week already, so it's not likely.

And I'd sure like to share all these pictures with you, but once again blogger is being moronic and I can't. Grrr.... I'll keep trying because I'm devoted.

Oh, and I got my new oven. Oh my new oven!! I'm in love!! It's wonderful. It cooks consistently and quickly - heats evenly. I can't believe how much more fun it is to cook and bake now, I've used it a ton already.

(update) Ha ha. Diligence pays off. I got the photos up, one at a time, but their up!! enjoy!

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