Mar 21, 2006

Greetings all my friends from, bleary dreary france; I miss you all so much! Sorry I haven't called any of you, it is VERY expensive to use the phone. We happened apon an internet station here at Versailles and Mom is patiently waiting/shopping while Char and are furiously typing our hearts out trying deal with a foreign keyboard! Add that to my already long list of things that are different about france!!! *ignore misspellings for that reason! merci!*

So far we have visited the Eiffel, the Bastille, Le De Concorde, the Arc De Triumph and Versailles, among other things. I am keeping a very detailed journal (because it's me and I'm retentive like that!) and I will be posting my entries when I return home; you won't miss anything! They play a lot of american music here; it cracks me up. random side note. Well, it's costing me 2 euros to post this, keep us in your prayers, Mom almost got mugged the first day! We are smarter & safer now. Can't wait to share my pictures, taken over 200 already. au revoir!

PS I'm picking up some french!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey... glad to hear you are having a good time. I'm so missing my daily phone calls with you and can't wait till you get back so we can catch up. Still no news on the job front here.
By the way its almost April 9th. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there!! I'm so glad to hear you're alive and well--I've been thinking about you everyday and praying for you! Can't wait to hear ALL about your trip! K--

Unknown said...

So great to hear you are ok and having fun, heard about the riots and wondered if you had been affected by them. Live it up sister!!! Have Fun!

Anonymous said...

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!! Glad to hear you're having an awesome time! Can't wait till you get home so we can see all your pictures! :-) Be safe and have a great rest of your trip!

antho said...

thanks for all the love guys!!! I missed you too!

The Sermonator said...

Hey, sorry I couldn't read your post until today. You see, at the time you wrote it I was Paris! What an extrodinary experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being there. Viva La Internet, n'est ce pas?