Mar 15, 2006

'touble maker'

Oddly enough, my favorite layout from last night. I went to bed uneasy about it, but messed around with it a bit this am and now Wah-lah! it's so much better. Love the plastic Jenni Bowlin stickers I broke down and bought on clearance at Archiver's. Kim, you are such an enabler. (I am truely blessed) The pictures are Sarah trying to climb our ladder when we were getting ready to paint the living room. silly girl. Also, note the arrow stickers, part of the Rebecca Sower's new collection, Bookworks. Very yummy.


Unknown said...

Very Cute!!! Loves it!!!

Unknown said...

Anna, Don't forget to check out my blog before you leave, There's an entry for you baby!!! I wonder if they have scrapbooking in Paris, stores, rubberstamps etc.?