Mar 11, 2006

dreaming in color

Woke up this morning after having a very real dream of being in Paris. Mostly what I remember is seeing the Eiffel Tower misty in the distance. Can't believe it's real, that I'm really going to see this amazing city.

Lots going on here, shocking I know. Have some running to do this morning. I need something from Lowe's and to check on a valance at Target. Plus, I'm going to do my grocery shopping for the fam while I'm gone. Trying to set everyone up for success so if they have issues it's not because they were unprepared. :) I'm just an over-achiever like that. Hoping to find a good block of time to paint today. I didn't get anything done on the kitchen yesterday, I took the day off from painting - just too tired and I feel myself flirting with a sinus infection. It's that time of year, the grass is greening up and I usually fall victim to a terrible sinus nightmare right about now, so maybe my claritin and lots of OJ can keep me healthy. I'd hate to get sick before this awesome trip.

We are having dinner with a slew of youth pastors tonight. I've been asked to bring dessert, so ice cream dessert it is. Sounds so good to me. It will be good to meet some of the other wives. I'd really like to find some more friends outside of our church.

Rob's taking Eli to the Pinewood Derby this morning. I think they'll both have a good time. I'm going to hang with Brea and hope she decides to take a nap. She's cutting two molars and a front tooth, so she's a real picnic.

Throwing in some pictures from yesterday. It was a beautiful 60 degrees here and we decided the park was a must. Figured I might as well excercise my gig too, I haven't had a lick of trouble so far.

Last but not least, I exchanged curtains yesterday and hung bright spicy red ones here in the living room. Totally tied the three front rooms together. I love it. I will post pictures when I don't hate my kitchen. Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Hey Anna I hope you girls have a great time in Paris. I know your mom is excited aboaut going. I finally had a chance to look at your site. Your mom sent it to me. I hope osme day mine is a cool as yours.