Mar 8, 2006


Such a stinking long day today. The story of my life lately. I'm so tired I could fall over. Literally. I was up "painting the roses red" (my kitchen) last night until midnight. Then I sat and folded laundry for a half an hour. Stumbled to bed to get up at 6 this morning to leave Champaign to visit my dad and sister. A lovely surprise, my Aunt Char popped in on her way back to St. Louis so we all spent the afternoon together. Very much worth the drive and the lost work day. Rob says that me considering today a lost work day makes me a workaholic. I say "Pot. Kettle. Black." But whatever.

Sharing two pictures tonight. The one without Eli was taken by Eli. I love it. He's developing quite an eye for photography, I think. Lucky us. The other we did with a timer on the table, thus all the white space above us. Plus, Char spaced at the last second, but that's ok. In the photo; me, Sarah & Eli (my jabronies), Aunt Char and my dad (siblings, in case you can't tell) and my sister Charlotte. Two Aunt Char's in one picture, confusing for a five year old. Mom and Dad never thought about grandkids when they named Char. :)

The kitchen. hmmm. I think I'm obsessing. It's very stinking red. Bleeding armidillo red (Steel Magnolias - love it!). But whatever. I'm too tired to think about buying another gallon and starting over again. It's pretty. Brighter than I probably should have gone, but I'm willing to learn to love it. My studio is next on the docket, but that is a post-Paris project. (say that five times fast!) I still have cupboards to strip and prime and paint. Before I leave. I want to leave a finished kitchen. I know what I will be doing tomorrow. :) Char (my sister) wanted us to spend the night tonight, but I just couldn't, there's just too much to do before we take off. Besides, I'm spending ten days with her here shortly!

Other random thoughts, since I had three hours each way to ponder the problems of the world. I mostly fantacized about what it would be like to receive the HOF call. Not that it's likely, and not that I should be imagining it, but if I don't and I never win at least this way I pretended for a tiny bit. That was fun. I was thinking I'd be all cool and post "I have a secret" like all the other famous scrapbookers! Of course, I don't, but it was fun to pretend. The fifteenth isn't too far away. Spent some time praying about it. If I actually won, or even got honorably mentioned, it would totally be due to the power of prayer!

I missed my daily call with Lori-lady. Funny how that makes my life normal and is a coping stratedgy in itself. Makes me appreciate her alot. Also makes me pre-miss our daily call while I'm in France. (I just have to say 'while I'm in France' as often as possible, it makes me feel important!)

Sad about families. Sad that they are so confused and bitter and messy. Wishing they could be more loving and forgiving and gracious. Deciding I need to make that effort on my own. Doing a lot of post-processing. Years of stuff working it's way to the surface, stuff I don't really want to deal with. Something Sy Rogers (@ Target) said hit me hard, you don't start to deal with your damage until you are in your late twenties, you don't really have the capacity to cope with it before that. Not sure what stinks more, dealing with damage or admitting I'm in my late twenties. Ack.

Need to chill with Rob. He always makes everything so much better. Waiting for him to finish up worship practice. Need some Rob outlook on my day. Love that, love him.

That's all for now folks.

1 comment:

LC Masterpiece said...

wow... I have never noticed how much you look like you dad until looking at those pictures. Its funny in both pictures you guys have the exact same expression. Definately a family resemblance.
Look forward to catching up today.
