Mar 18, 2006

Crashing (031806)

Paris, France 7:30pm local time, 1:30am in Illinois.

Such a long day? Series of days with no end and no beginning? I find myself longing for quiet and familiarity. Maybe I am not cut out for this world traveler lifestyle. At this point I just miss my bed. The last time I was this tired was after having Eli five years ago (being up three days straight). Plus it's hard being on my best behavior in a starange country on no sleep.

Paris is different than I expected. It's dirty and smelly and loud and crowded. I didn't realize how much it would bug me not being able to read everything in sight. I feel small and ethnocentric, ignorant and arrogant. But that is just the Paris perspective and I'm sure I'll feel better about it in the morning. :)

I miss Rob. I fought the language barrier and closing shops and 'cash only' declarations to buy a retardedly expensive phone card to call him. We spoke for 2 minutes but the connection was terrible. I almost started crying because I was so overwhelmed. I think he would love it and hate it here in the same breath. It's so busy and close. Makes me homesick. I'm sure some good sleep will give me a much better perspective in the morning. Surely this is just jet lag talking and France is amazing.

PS - I really liked England so far!

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