Mar 18, 2006

Touching Down (031806)

This is it. Today I step into a new country and officially become a world traveler. It is so completely unreal - the ocean is miles beneath us - the blue sky stretched all around us. I have found the trip thoroughly enjoyable thus far - exhausting but wonderful. The flight has been pleasant and comfortable, but I am learning (as with most things in life) that it is a matter of perspective. We will be landing in Manchester within the hour. I'm excited but ready for the last leg of our hop across the pond! My favorite feature of the flight has been the on board flight map constantly showing us where we are, speed, current times (in Chicago and England) altitude, and temperature. I love being informed! Enjoying the company too, but feeling slightly disconnected. I hope I can let my guard down a bit and really enjoy my mom & my sister. Not really looking forward to the 4+ hour layover next, but again, it's a matter of perspective.

{I really slept on a bench in an airport during that layover, the first time I've ever konked out in public, clutching my carry-on for safe-keeping}

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