Mar 11, 2006

{plum crazy}

Why am I still up? It's Saturday night for crying out loud. I belong in bed, sawing logs with Rob. But now, I'm blogging with a cup of chamomile tea and a couple milano cookies. (my new bedtime thing, slightly better than loads of buttery/salty popcorn, right?)

Maybe I'm up because I'm tired. It's been a long productive day and I just want to revel in it for a moment before I fall into bed only to wake up and do it all again.

I did a lot today. My kitchen is nearly finished. It's only been ten days of nearly non-stop work. All I have left is a bit of red edging (the third frigging coat, don't even get me started) and to poly-eurothane the cabinet doors. Then the hardware goes back on and everything goes back into it's happy home. whew. That will be a good feeling. Hopefully Brea will thoroughly exhaust herself at church in the am and I can finish things up during her nap. That will make me so happy!

Wandered into the lss today. Found some new Scenic Route paper. Bought eleven sheets, it makes me so excited to scrap! I think it will be fun in my Paris album. If you click on 'what's new' you'll see the Charlotte and North Shore lines. That's what got me going. I also love their chipboard, it's finished but looks so fun distressed. (I look fun distressed!) Funny how a few pieces of new pretty paper makes everything right with the world. Hoping to put my studio back together tomorrow or at least on Monday. Mom's coming on Wednesday, so I need to have laundry done and most of my packing done by then. Oh, and the house back together. Otherwise she may say "forget Paris, where's the looney bin for this girl?"

I enjoyed grocery shopping all by my lonesome this morning. It was invigorating. I finished hanging different curtains in the dining room, the third set I've tried and they are the winner. I played with my kids in the yard for an hour. We spent the evening with the youth pastors in E. Alton. It was fun. But it makes me thankful for all we have here. I am reminded, yet again, that comparing leads to disontentment. I am choosing to be content with my situation. Content in any situation, good (like it is now) or otherwise. But I digress.

Well, I've probably rambled long enough. Thankful for a good long happy day. All kinds of happy thoughts brewing in my heart about Paris. Trying not to think about the HOF calls 'supposedly' going out on Monday. Trusting that my life is in His hands.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Anna! Jeanie was hit by the tornados last night. Her barn is totaled and two upstairs windows were blown out. She and here family are ok, but it sure did a number on that secure feeling that you have in your own home. Thought you might want to know since had met here. It was a really rough night around here! That is just 8 miles from us and for me, that's too close.

Man, your making me feel like a big ol' slacker around here.... Guess that I need a project-like the garage! Yuk!!!

6:31 PM