Nov 29, 2007

catching up

This week has been a little insane.

The big news... My bff Lori had her baby. A girl. Baby Abigail. Born on Tuesday the 27th. Sweet, huh? I'll post a pic as soon as I get one! :)

We had some hospital calls to make on Tuesday, and since we were in downtown Houston anyway, Rob and I decided that a visit to Santa might be in order. We went to the Galleria and really enjoyed the evening. Sarah wouldn't have anything to do with Santa last year, but was enthralled with him this year. Unfortunately, we didn't buy any pictures, since they were TWENTY DOLLARS each!! crazy, huh?? But they both sat on his lap (together, of course) and spoke with him extensively about the big day and us for some reason. It was so cute. I took mental pictures! :)

I've been plugging away in the blue room this week, it's looking good, but it needs much more work than I can dedicate to it. I go back tomorrow, but then next week the tile gets laid, so I'll have a little break. That's a good thing. My house needs a thorough scrubbing and the christmas baking isn't going to do itself!

Saturday we are going to trade photo favors with our friends Ryan and Jodi and I'm pretty psyched about it. I can't wait to see our first 'christmas' photos in several years, and our first proffesional photo since we added Sarah to our family! We had a bad run-in with Olan Mills about 2 years ago, but no one has seen that photo because it was so awful!! We've got Cribz this friday and life groups on Sunday, so I have a little cleaning to do between now and then! Oh, and I'm shooting another family Saturday afternoon, so that will be fun! Our little skit is Sunday morning too, and Rob and I have been practicing, we are pretty excited about it!

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