Nov 18, 2007

sick days...

Sometimes I actually don't mind them. I really could have used one last week, when I was feeling so awful, but I'm on the upswing now. But Eli got up this morning with a very pink eye, so we stayed home from church. (much to my disappointment, it was Baptism Sunday and one of our students was taking the plunge!) So Sarah, Eli and I enjoyed our morning. We played video games, we layed around in their jammies (I was all ready for church before they got up), and just generally enjoyed each other's company. Oh, and we will eat not one but two homemade meals today - a huge rarity for this family lately. We had baked mac and cheese for lunch and chili with caramel rolls for suppe Yum. I'm feeling so domestic again! I cleared a space for our christmas tree, so we'll be dragging that out this week and that's going to feel good. I am more than a little tempted to paint my living room, just because it really needs it, but I think resting a bit might be more important in the long run. Besides, I haven't even picked a color yet!

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