Nov 7, 2007

It's Official...

I am a Texan.

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I have been waiting for my driver's license for 4 months now. When we first moved to Texas Rob and I went to the DOT office to get our id's. In Texas it turns out you need to have a bunch of papers before you can get an id. Off to the courthouse to obtain those papers. Back to the DOT. They convieniently closed. of course. Next time, the computers are down. Next time, the computers are down but we'll go ahead and process your stuff. We go in, get it done. They strip me of my pretty IL license (with it's awesome photo) and give me a silly piece of paper with an expiration date. My license will supposedly come in the mail. Rob's arrives in 9 days. Mine never shows up. Two months later I call and they say there was a processing error and to come back in. A week after that, I get a letter to that effect. I have to wonder if my phone call generated the letter. I look at my piece of paper and realize I've been driving around with an expired hall pass for a good two or three weeks. I skidaddle down to the DOT office for the FIFTH time to get this taken care of. Now realize, the DOT office is on a one way feeder road in a very inconvienient area of town and just getting in and out of it is a complicated journey in Texas Feeder Roads. It literally takes you ten minutes to get off the freeway and to the building coming or going, and you can see it from the freeway. That craziness is the state that I now claim as home. Because my license arrived today! Yay!!!!! You see now, it really is a big deal.

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