Nov 26, 2007

Digging Out

It's funny how after a week's vacation how much there is to do! I think I did a really good job (for me) of putting my feet up and relaxing last week. But so the downside of that is that now there is a TON to do! Also, I'm spending the week at church with Rob. We are going to finish up some things on the youth room and I'm going to help with the room 'formerly known as the blue room'. But today we have a funeral. It's so sad, we've had so many lately. And Rob might actually be officiating today's service. Pastor and Linda are going to be in Houston this am and may not make it back in time. So if you think of us this morning, maybe give a little shout out to God on Rob's behalf, he's probably a teensy bit nervous, it being his first one solo and all.

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