Jan 16, 2007

The First Decade

Seems a little silly to be posting at 1am, but I actually fell asleep on the couch about 7pm, and Rob made me go to bed. He's such a good husband like that! Anyhoo, when he came to bed at 12:30 I realized I was hungry - and ready for some new drugs - so I'm up messing around now, but I've already had 5 hours of sleep.
Sarah's hacking up in her room. She's reintroduced a head cold to our family. I get frustrated because she gets sick when she doesn't take her nap - she's refused to the past two afternoons. Then she gets sick and then she gets cranky. Both of our cranky kids were in bed by quarter after six tonight - mostly because they were both bickering so much!
But I'm not really here to post about sleep patterns and head colds. When Rob came to bed I said "Hey, it's after midnight." and he said "you're right! I love you!"
You see, we met ten years ago today.
I was seventeen. He was nineteen. I had just graduated high school early and started college midterm. We met at a InterVarsity meeting at Morningside College. The only reason I went to the meeting was because it was causing a lot of controversy with the Campus Ministry group (I was an active part of that group) and being seventeen - I still enjoyed controversy. Oh, how a person changes in ten years! Anyhoo, I showed up that night. They had praise and worship - I remember really enjoying the worship - I know now that they were classic InterVarsity songs. Then this guy got up to preach (I know now him as Pastor Craig - our longtime youth pastor and mentor) and first he talked about some guy named Rob. How Rob came into the office and helped him out all the time, Rob was always available and willing. I remember thinking this Rob guy really needs to get a job! :)
Anyhoo, I enjoyed the service tremendously. Afterwards everyone headed to Perkins Downtown - as was the custom. All nine of us squished into a big booth and proceeded to talk into the wee hours of the morning. Being the new kid, some of the leaders were asking me questions - like what do you want to do when you are done with school? Among other things, I answered that I felt called to be a pastor's wife. The table got real quiet and Brad Nickerson says "WELL ROB'S GOING TO BE A PASTOR".
Oh that fateful night. Who knew that ten years later I'd be sitting in the parsonage, wife o' Rob for nine years now, pastoring our first church. Neat.
I think about these first ten years and I feel blessed. I know, that sounds facetious - especially if you know us and you know the kind of insanity we've lived through these past five years. But overall, I am totally blessed to be living through it, and moreso, living through it with Rob. I hear stories at MOPs or on tv or from friends or whatever about less than marriages and I am constantly reminded how much my husband loves me. He may not be the best about bringing random flowers or big birthday gifts - but I don't think he's let a day pass in the past ten years without saying he loved me. Now that's a testimony.
But that's not all... He gave me not one, but two children, when he was totally paranoid about parenting. He allows me to stay home to give our kids a better future. He trusts me with our finances. He appreciates me. He holds me when I'm scared. He talks me down when I'm upset. He allows me to go on and on and on about things. He cleans up after me when I'm sick. He watches my tv shows. He shares my taste in most everything. He appreciates my cooking. He lets me try new things. He pursues me. He teases me. He laughs with me. He cries with me. He holds my hand when we watch tv. He snuggles with me on the couch. He encourages me in all my crazy endeavors. He hems me in. He makes me smile.
Well, I'm sure you can see why life is better with Rob. I'm looking forward to the next ten.

and the next ten.

and the ten after that.

I hope we have a hundred years.

I really do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok... I totally had to laugh at the Brad comment that silenced the table... for once his crazy/ off the wall statements turned out to be true! Too funny.
