Jan 31, 2007

thank you Lori

I think I've said this before - but I am really excited about my life lately! I feel so in control. Not like in a god-complex way - just realizing how much say we really do have in the daily. I am so excited about our future! For the first time I'm not just panicked about money! Now I need to say - I wasn't panicking because there wasn't enough (not this past year). I just panic because of a lack of say over where our money was going. Does that even make sense?? Surely, I have had control all along, but no. Our money has been ruling us, rather than the other way around. Dave Ramsey (my hero) has patiently taken my by the hand (via his audio books and best selling hardbacks) and showing me the path to our financial future. I need to thank Lori this evening, because she spent a good three hours on and off the phone with me writing out an adhere able budget. I can't wait to show Rob, I just know he'll be excited because there is fun money factored in! Cool, huh?? And we will be steadily working towards our goals of paying off his student loans and establishing a emergency fund. I know I've said this a ton, but I can totally see where God is bringing all this together for us now, He has a plan. And I am going to be ready!! So excited for the future - just you wait!!

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