Jan 3, 2007

"I'm feeling better... I'm not quite dead yet!"

(said in a thick english accent)

Wow. The flu stinks. I can't complain though, I haven't had it in five years. Seriously, Eli was a little baby the last time I prayed to the porcelain god. I was just thinking last week or so how it had been a really long time since I had the flu and how thankful I was for that. I do need to say that Rob was amazing, helping me, cleaning up after me, watching the kids while I tried not to die on the bathroom floor... Gotta love that man.
So it was bad, but not that bad. Childbearing is worse. At least this only lasted about18 hours (of retching/toileting) and another day of total weakness. But today I feel great, like I never had anything. crazy.
So I did a little creating last night, after the kids konked out at 7pm. Finished off a couple pages from the scrapbook night we had at church a month ago. finally. It was fun. I took pictures and I'm going to upload them, but blogger has been having issues AND I'm currently uploading more videos to Expotv. They are allowing another 50 videos this month. Oh, and I finally did it - I am their contributor with the most videos. Ha ha. That's so cool. On another cool Expo thought, Rob and Eli were in Best Buy last week and apparently they have a ginormous screen that you can change the channel on - one of the channels was Expo and up pops my video talking about my easy share camera. Cool beans, huh?? Expo has just been the neatest experience for me. I'm super grateful.
So I'm loading videos today, have 12 done already. And I'm hoping to take a couple girls to the mall. Gap has a sweet pair of shoes on hold for me. (woohoo, new shoes!) I need to get busy cleaning my house for Friday night - the Pampered Chef party. It's going to be a good week.
Well, I'll put up my photos when it works out. In the meantime, happy shopping!

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