Jan 9, 2007

I'm officially a grocery gamer.

Lori finally talked me into it. I signed up for the grocery game this week and this is my stash from today's shopping. I spent just under $45 after rebates. I think Rob might think I'm crazy, but he's totally on board with the idea. He was laughing at me so hard with my coupons on the floor last night - he had to take a picture. But he wasn't laughing when he came home for lunch and saw all this on the dining room table. He was impressed. He totally gets it. Love that guy.
This other picture is Sarah - after she put Floam in her hair last night and I almost lost it. I so thought I was going to have to cut her hair off. Thankfully it washed out in the tub after it soaked. whew.


Anonymous said...

How does the grocery game work?

antho said...

Check out the site grocerygame.com
You can try it for $1 for 4 weeks. Feel free to use me as a referral :) (moscrappin@aol.com)
The abbreviated explanation is that based on the idea that grocery sales work in 12 week cycles. Stores honor sale prices, grocery store coupons and manufacturer coupons. The idea is to use a combination of coupons/sales when products are at their rock bottom prices (once every 12 weeks) and buy enough to last you until the next cycle. The List (bought at grocerygame.com) tells you when the prices are rock bottom and which coupon to use. Make sense??

It takes a bit to get set up, but I found it super fun and exhilarating to get free and super-cheap items. All three of those toothbrushes were free!!

I get my papers at the goodwill - where they give them away on Sunday. Hope that answers your questions!

Anonymous said...

They give newspapers away for Free on Sunday? Like that days papers? Or from the week?

antho said...

My Goodwill gives the Sunday paper away all week long until they are gone. Rob is going to start picking them up for me when he runs the van route in the am on Sunday morning. I think I save about $5 a week by getting them there. Oh, and the larger the distribution - the more coupons. You may want to get Kansas City or St. Louis papers.

Anonymous said...

I may try it. I've never been very good about using coupons. Never seems to what I need. Or buying an off brand was cheap. Even after double coupons. So I'll see. I'm pretty lazy and not a very good food planner. The kids have ball games and practices every night. Makes it hard to plan meals. And working doesn't help and thing.
I'll let you know if I try it.
Thanks for the info.