Jan 17, 2007

See what Expo bought me!

These came this morning. I was beside myself excited. Seriously. Pee-your-pants excited. I hosted a Pampered Chef show at the beginning of the month. We closed on friday and these were at my doorstep when I came home from Walmart this morning. (and yeah, for the record - I freaked that FedEx just casually left them there for all the world to see!) They retail at about $700 but I got them half off for hosting a show, and then Expo paid out a big December. So, to wrap this up - expo bought me a new high-end digital camera, a ton of fiestaware, all of our families christmas gifts AND new cookware in 2006. Pretty cool, huh. If you aren't convinced to start doing ExpoTv.com videos now, then there must be something wrong with your convincer.

Oh, and on the expo front - I am officially in their 100 Club - there are two of us - contributors with over a hundred videos. So my shining face is on that page now. I *heart* expotv!

And another aside - GroceryGame.com is changing my life. I cannot believe the deals I am finding. I have started stockpiling in the basement and it's pretty cool to 'shop' down there when we need something. Rob's totally on board with it too, so that's awesome that we are on the same page. I think it costs a bit to get established, because you are buying both for now (full-price) and then the the next 12 weeks (at rock-bottom prices). But I think once my Walgreens rebates start coming in and my stockpile widens, we'll be operating at a considerably lower budget for grocery and toiletries.

So the crazy part is that grocery game has spoiled me for everything else. I can't pay full-price anymore. I went to HobbyLobby and Archiver's last night with a student and every single thing I put in my cart was on sale significantly (like 50% or greater). Two of my exciting finds were a 3 foot green tinsel Christmas tree for my office ($1.70) and winter berry spray ($.40) for over my antique mirror in the living room. I'm addicted to deals. Oh, and a slew of paper at both stores, cause I need more paper. ha ha.

Okay, and my last bit of fluff for today is Dave Ramsey. Lori's got me listening/reading him and the guys incredible. I can totally see what God's been doing in us and in our financial lifestyle the past 3 years and it's exciting to see it cumulate. Anyhoo, check out Dave Ramsey, I'm reading "Financial Peace Revisited" and it's awesome! It's amazing that I'm reading this book at all because 1) I don't enjoy non-fiction and 2) I hate finances!! But I'm still being totally blessed.

Lots of good stuff. I think Sarah's sleeping, or on her way, Lord-willing, so I am off for a few moments of downtime - hiding out in my studio. Yay!

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