Jan 11, 2007

Professional Mothering

I've been thinking about this concept quite a bit lately. Especially after introducing the Grocery Game into my life. So much of the time we wrap up our identity in what we do, and I finally feel like what I do is important enough to wrap my life up in it. :) I'm finally really ok with being 'just a stay at home mom' because I know how much I do in a day and how much my family depends on me. I know that it's a miracle that we live (well) off of one income - a pastor's salary at that. I know that we survive and even because of decisions I make on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis.
I decided a few weeks ago on the term "Professional Homemaker" for that looming slot on the dr's office forms - "OCCUPATION". Personally, I think it's sad how much responsibility, power and privilege - or lack there of it - we attach to that ominous word. We are people, souls, mothers, wives, sisters, and YES - many of us happen to work.
Anyway, after six years at home, I think I'm finally coming to terms with being happy in my own skin. I am loving mothering, loving making my house a home, loving taking care of my family - be it encouraging my husband, teaching my son to read or trying to keep my daughter out of the refrigerator. I know that other people are never going to see the worth in what I'm doing, but I see glimpses of it in my children's character every now and then. And God has promised me that it will be worth my time and effort in the long run, and quite simply, that's enough for me.

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