Oct 6, 2005


It's hard to know where to start. Seems like things have kind of been in a blur lately. I am so excited to be moving. I wish it wasn't still ten weeks away, but that's ok. I'm trying to figure out colors for the house, but it's almost stressful because I'm not there, living in it or at least visiting it and thinking about each room. I really want to do one room lime, or something interesting like that, but not sure which. So far I have only two rooms planned; the studio and the master bedroom. Everything else is up for grabs. I am really excited to make it our own though. We are still waiting to hear if they will do the carpeting for us or not - I'm hoping yes. Also Rob asked for a Mac laptop, so that he can do a lot of videos/dvds, etc. The board will meet again and get back to us.

I took Sarah to the dr yesterday, a follow up for her ears, which are finally better. He prescribed elidel, which made me nervous, but we discussed it and it's really the best choice for her excema - since it's uncontrollable at this point. He also prescribed an antibiotic for her diaper rash. The amount medicaid paid at the pharmacy yesterday was over $300!! Isn't that crazy? I'm so thankful we will have insurance going into our new job.

Sarah had a hard time going to bed last night and woke up with a fever. She threw up twice already this morning. I feel so bad for her, she's been sick so much. We ran to the grocery store and got more Liquilytes to keep her hydrated. We are planning on having dinner with friends tomorrow night and I'm so looking forward to it. ergh. I'm just praying for her, we'll see.

Well, I should go do something productive now.

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