Oct 13, 2005

Do you ever just wish you could edit your past?

You know what I mean? Like pictures in a scrapbook, where you could just crop out the not pretty parts, and only scrap the memories you want to keep. Instead I'm haunted by bad choices, stupid mistakes, thoughtless comments. I can keep them at bay during the day, busying myself with the everyday hustle of caring for two small children, but when I lay down to sleep it all comes back with frightening momentum.

I'm sure you are all wondering what deep dark secrets lay hidden in my brain, but I don't even mean big scary immoral stuff, I just mean the stupid things. That's what haunts me. Things that I should have known better than to do, or knew better but just did (or didn't do) anyway. ergh. I overthink everything. Maybe that's why this blog is good.... or bad... I don't know. Have to think on that one. :)

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