Oct 7, 2005

Hee Hee Hee

(laughs wickedly)

I'm going to be all cool, pretending I'm some up and coming scrapbook star and say the can line "I wish I could show you what I'm working on, but it's a secret... but it's *so* cool!!" (gag, gag, barf, barf)

But cause it's me and I'm crazy I'll say it anyway!! I am working on some super-sweet scrapbook action, but it IS a secret because I'm HOF bound. Well, not really, but maybe an honorable mention?? I'm having so much fun with the process. I think I've completed 7 layouts now - for a total of ten, but they are by no means my final entries. I'm just working out the kinks, defining my style and getting ready for a big finish. :) Happy mood today. Did two layouts last night and working on a two page spread this morning. Feels good to be so productive, even with my house crumbling around about me. Details.

My friend Traci is on her way to Springfield. We are going to get together to catch up tomorrow. We'll meet at ScrapGen, one of my fav. hangouts in town, but it shouldn't be too dangerous since I was just there last weekend. Unless, of course, they have new HKS stuff, but it's advantus, so I won't hold my breath. I'm excited to show Traci my new work. Excited to hear about her new house and job. It will be a welcome relief to the monotony of here. I have to give Rob some study time tomorrow, but that's ok, cause Kim is back and will come to play tomorrow night I think. (yippee!)

We are having dinner with LeAnn and Travis tonight - our youth pastors. It's sad cause I'm pretty sure it will be our last dinner with them. I'll miss LeAnn a lot, we've been fast friends. Wow, we sound so social all of the sudden. A glimpse of the old RobNAnna - making an early appearance?

That's my prayer, that we'll go back to our old easy-going happy selves when we leave the forsaken place. I pray every day that it's the place and not us, that our core personalities haven't changed. Time will tell. Toodles!

1 comment:

LC Masterpiece said...

So if you can laugh about having all this secret work, does that mean that I get to laugh twice as hard since I got to see the top secret pages? :)
You are kicking some butt with your pages. I so wish we could scrapbook together. I'm loving what you have been doing lately. Maybe if Kim ever gets some free time you guys could come down during the week for some quality scrapping.