Oct 21, 2005

shopping on Michigan Avenue and other such nonsense.

So today was IKEA day. I woke up so excited for the day. I had never been to IKEA and it was everything I expected and more. I think Char was shocked at how excited I was over it, but I'm really just an excitable person. I found some great deals, and got a lot of bang for my buck. Things I'm most excited about? A giant metal board for my studio (to hang stuff on), a shelf to hold my primas, and some sweet new drinking glasses for the family. Very fun!

We were leaving IKEA and missed our exit, got way off course (almost into Indiana) and decided rather than fighting the terrible outbound traffic, we should just turn around and head back into the city. So we drove the loop, with me galking my camera, taking pictures like a true tourist. It was amazing. We finally parked down on Navy Pier, paying way too much, but Char thought it was worth it. We walked up and down the pier, we ventured up Grand St and eventually found Michigan Ave. We ate dinner, shopped and just wandered around. It was incredible. I loved the buildings, the lights. Wow. Very stinking fun. I got an fantastic bright green courdoroy jacket from the Gap. It's so hot! I can't wait to show Rob! very trendy! I will post pictures from our excursion when I get home, can't now because I didn't bring my drive for it. Plus I'm using Kim's computer.

So off to start the day. We are getting pedicures and manicures. Out for lunch I think. Just generally getting spoiled. It's been really nice! I do miss Rob and the kids, but anyone who reads this on a regular basis knows how much I need a vacation!! :) Off to enjoy my weekend!

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