Apr 2, 2006

Crying Jag

Thankfully the day is almost over. It seemed longer than usual, which is humorous when you think about the fact we lost an hour.

Sarah is crying up in her room. After I laid her down for the night I realized she probably spent about two hours crying today - and all of the sudden it jolted me back to Eli at this stage, I can recall saying the same thing about him. That is a reassuring thought, because right now I really don't like the person she is. Please keep in mind that I love her, I adore her, but she's been a royal pain in the seat the last month or so, hitting the terrific twos early. Remembering that single thought w/ Eli gives me so much hope for the future because he's a great kid now. We'll get through this. In the meantime I'm not getting much done, blogging or otherewise!

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