Apr 15, 2006

thank you char

Today has been a super productive day thus far. I have our taxes all ready for the mail - yippee! I've done three loads of laundry, gone through the kids and my clothes, removing all the winter things, I've cleaned up the kitchen. I just need to vaccuum and straighten up the kids 'suite' and then I'll feel like I can play till my heart's content. So good, cause I'm majorly in the mood!

I'm going to post some of last night's endeavors. Starting with this one of my sister, Char. She is responsible for me going to Paris. I could have never done something like that on my own, being unemployed and all. So this page is just a thank you to her. And yes, I'm going to email it to her shortly.

I also just wanted to make a disclaimer here, I've been lifting a lot of basic ideas lately, so they may look familiar. I'm way inspired by Jenni Bowlin lately, and I'm just going with it. Not like I'm getting published anyway, may as well flex some creative muscle!! having fun with the process!

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