Nov 10, 2005

creating again

sometimes it's funny how in the mood I get for scrapbooking. I've been working on a new technique the past couple days and I'm excited, it's working out well. I decided that HOF candidates that complete the assignment "create a new technique and incorporate it in a layout" are going to be more promotable, therefore having a better chance of winning. I think that assignment has more weight than the others, since it is harder. Therefore I must do it. So I thought about it for 48 hours and came up with something. We'll see. So excited to get this in the mail. I'm even going to decorate the envelope, cause I'm a dork like that!

Hopefully it will be a good day today. Brea's already napping. I should be accomplishing something. I think I'll make fettucini alfredo tonight for supper. Sounds yummy. Family Fun night, we are headed to ToysRUs to pick out christmas kids for the FOCAL party. Fun fun! I can't believe the momentum we are picking up. 37 days and we will be in our new house. Time is finally flying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so cool. I don't understand why you think you're a dork or something. Anyway, I love you and I'm going to give you a random kiss.