Nov 9, 2005

I refuse to have blog guilt.

I'm a busy mom of two small kids. Blogging is for fun, not another item on my to-do list. Which is huge and I'm so bad because I'm sitting here pea-ing and now blogging when I should be working on my christmas cards, or tidying up the house, or doing the dishes or at the very least working on my brand new top secret technique I came up with for my HOF entry!!! I've been brainstorming for 2 days now, trying to come up with something never been done before in CK, and I think I have it. Actually, I came up with several fun new ideas, but one is gold and I'm going to enter it. I think, with this big crazy push for bright colors, that this idea will be a hit. It's scary to me how much HOF has taken over my life lately. I actually had to get out of bed last night and write down my ideas so I didn't forget them while I slept!!! Seems like bed time is when I get my thinking done, cause at least it's quiet!!! I've been on such a roll lately with scrapbooking, it's great. I'll be excited to get my entry in the mail so I can start being a little more public with the things, but maybe not, I don't want to have all my ideas floating out there for the world to see. I need to keep in mind that the end date is February, I'm just submitting early because of our move. I'm so excited!! The next few weeks should fly by, with HOF to finish, and cards and Christmas gifts. Suddenly it will be thanksgiving, and we have something going on every weekend then until we move! And then I will be in my new house with my beautiful studio and all will be right with the world!!! Yay me!

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