Nov 22, 2005

On any given day, when you wake up in the morning, there are a hundred things fighting for your attitude.

Wow. That's profound. Just one of the many tidbits I heard sunday morning. Been meaning to jot it down here to share with you. This particular bit hit me hard, because as the mom in the house - I set the tone most days. And it's hard. For instance, this morning I woke up to poop (sorry for all you sensitive types) all up Sarah's back, leaking out of her diaper. She really struggles with diarhea and apparently this morning she lost the battle. :) She was super cranky and I had to fight her to get her changed and in the tub. We got her clean and fed and she was a lot happier. Certainly not my idea of an ideal morning. I like to wake up slowly in bed, maybe five minutes between opening my eyes and feet hitting the floor. But if I do that, I wake up really happy, usually. With small kids though, you wake up running. My kids have both been demanding morning people and my husband isn't really a before noon kind of guy, but he's working on it.
But seriously, how many times do you wake up and something is trying to destroy your day before it even gets started?? It's crazy. I've decided to call it what it is, an attitude deterant, and get on with my day. God is good, I'm alive and I have lots to do! (as I waste time blogging - I know, it's an addiction).

More to come later. I learned a lot about being content with what we have too. A very powerful message. So much that I scrapbooked it last night. I will post my page later today. Hoping to finish up the three pages I started last night. It's going to be a good day. Even though it's Tuesday and I always miss Rob on Tuesdays... it's going to be a good day.

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