Nov 3, 2005

have I mentioned that I'm ready to move yet?

42 days. Just for the record. I'm so ready. And mad. Anxious to walk away from here forever. And yet I don't even feel like I can really vent about all of this since it's an open blog (that no one reads). I'm just looking forward to moving on and forgetting about every phone call, every incident, every horrible aspect of this job, this place, this time in our lives. I hope that time really does heal all wounds and I can look back (in brief tiny glimpses) and remember the happy times we've shared as a family and forget all the frustrations of these past three years.

Enough of that. Scrapped a tiny bit today. Mostly dealt with the checkbook. Made a stellar dinner. Prayed for my mom, a lot. If anyone really is reading this, pray for her. I don't feel like I can really divulge right now, but my heart is so heavy for her right now. She needs prayer. She may even need a miracle.

All in all, a rough day. Glad it's almost over. Hopefully that means I'll have a brighter tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read your blog anna! too bad it was a rough day for you. it was emma's 2nd birthday, she loved her cake! there's a picture collage of it on my yahoo photos.. hopefully the next month goes by fast for you guys. your family is very beautiful, me likey pictures! have a good weekend!