Nov 21, 2005

enjoying the last few moments of quiet before Eli bursts in the door...

I love that he goes to school every day. Most moms cry when their babies head out the door to school for the first time. I was beside myself at the prospect of 2 hours to myself while he learned and Brea slept. I treasure my three partial afternoons a week. I scrap, I plan, I clean, I catch up. Heck, sometimes I even plop down and turn on a soap opera for twenty minutes, just because I CAN! It's so refreshing, I love it. He loves his school too, they learn so much every day, do so much that I wouldn't have time to do with him. I'm very thankful.

Speaking of thanksgiving. It's just around the corner, three days away. I'm kind of sad. I really wanted to go home to see my folks again, but the drive is so tough with Sarah. Rob needs to study. Our finances don't really need to spend $100 in extra gas. I am just so sad to be home alone for both holidays. It's kind of depressing.

So let's be thankful instead. Quick, before I have to go, I'm going to think of five things to be thankful for.

1) my family. 2 beautiful, charming lovable children and a sexy, loving husband.

2) great friends near and far.

3) I just got mail from my cousin, Sara! That's something to be thankful for!

4) That even though we are away from family, I can still cook an amazing holiday feast. I'm a great cook and we are all thankful for that! :) (as I brag - sorry)

5) Our new house is really only 25 days away!!!

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