Nov 30, 2005

Meme blog challenge #16
Scariest Movies I've ever seen:

eww! Scary movies. Not my thing at all! But I've watched a few - here they are in no particular order.

1) Signs. (this movie totally freaked me out because we live out in the woods and our neighbors could care less whether we live or die. Rob and I had trouble sleeping for weeks after we watched it - we still agree to never talk about it again! And we won't rent "the Village" until we move, even though we *love* M. Night Schamyln.)

2) The Fly. (a babysitter watched this when I was five or so, I didn't want to watch but she told me to close my eyes. I was supposed to be sleeping on the living room floor - in front of the tv. I still have nightmares about finding coarse hairs on Rob's back and giving birth to live maggot babies. EWWW!!!)

3) Night of the Living Dead. (seriously caught fifteen minutes of this movie and made Rob change the channel. Too stinking creepy for me!!)

4) Scream 1,2,& 3. (I love these flicks, so cheesy, and still I jump every time the music gets going!)

5) I Know What You Did Last Summer and I Still Know. (for a brief period we watched this kind of flick, very brief.)

That's about it I think. I'm way more into suspense movies, mind games rather than real horror. I get scared pretty easy. I'm a girly girl, that's all there is too it. But now, give me a movie like The Game or Double Jepeordy and I love that kind of thing.

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