Feb 9, 2006

"and we'll go because it's Thursday and we'll wish everyone a happy Thursday."

Have I even mentioned that Thursday is my favorite day of the week? Not sure why... Maybe because it's just before Friday, the weekend is almost here but there's still time to finish up your work. ( I say that like weekends mean anything but more work for us!) Maybe it's because it's Rob's day off. Maybe because I like the "TH" sound rolling off my tongue or maybe it's just fun because Pooh Bear liked Thursdays. But most likely it's just because Thursday is ER night and that is a good thing in our house. Rob and I *always* watch ER. The only time we miss is if it's a re-run, but usually we watch the re-runs too! And tonight is a big night, because John Carter (Noah Wylie) is coming back and he's our favorite.

I say all that to say the popcorn is popping and the butters melting and I'm about to find my Dr Pepper and snuggle with my special guy and watch our favorite show. It's the next best thing to a date.

And tomorrow is furniture friday. Woohoo!

1 comment:

The Sermonator said...

Hope you have a well furnished day today! Thursdays are good, but I especially like Tuesday Mornings!