Feb 4, 2006

So I'm a crappy blogger.

As of late - but I'm a super painter! We finished the living room today, AND got it back together, everything but the kids videos. I'm not sure where to put them, we'd like to get an armoire for a new tv and put them in there, but we'll have to wait and see at this point. Now I just have to sit on my hands and wait until next weekend to retrieve my furniture! And pray that the board approves us borrowing the church van for the trip. I am so excited about our house, it's really starting to take shape. I'll start work on the master bedroom on Monday probably, after ANOTHER trip to Lowe's. It's really bad, I'm starting to recognize all the paint guys there. :)

So my living room is a lovely linen color, with beautiful white trim. No curtains yet, not sure what direction to go there, so the mini-blinds are hanging out for now. A big disappointment though, I was vacuuming out the air returns/vents today and peaked under the carpet only to find plywood floors. Bummer dude, there goes my daydreams about refinishing wood floors!! Unfortunately, our carpet is kind of atrocious, but at least it's clean.

Well, I'm totally wiped. We have church in the morning and a massive super bowl party for the kids tomorrow night, I'm helping all afternoon with food, so that should be fun or exhausting or both. Just about ready to find my bed. I know it's eight, but I've earned it. I'll try and post living room pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Sermonator said...

Check Lowes for vinyl tile that looks like wood. Some of the products out there are very reasonable, have considerable warrentees, and are hard to tell from hardwood floors. Home Depot has a parquet that is very convincing.