Feb 27, 2006

My Paris jounal.

Found this at B&N in Rockford. It has a plastic cover, figured that would repell coffee and the like. Yes, I said coffee. Finally starting to grow up and beginning to accept my fate as a coffee drinker. Of course, it's foo-foo coffee hopped up on sugar and creamer, but that's ok, right? I'm almost 27 you know, growing up can't be all bad. :)

So I had to scan the cover for you, it's so 80's retro, fast-paced. I look through the pages and it makes me want to scrapbook. I figure I'll be more inspired to write in it, and even more excited to scrap my experiences when I get home. Plus, there are all kinds of cute pictures and icons inside, they'll be great for embellishments, etc.

Really, almost ready to leave. I bought my 1 gig memory card and power adapter yesterday. I think I need a couple more travel-sized things (like the goofy guy in the Expedia commercial - that's me!) and to do a trial-run packing of my suitcase to make sure everything will fit. Very excited!

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