Feb 5, 2006

Recovering from the weekend.

Wow. I am so stinking exhausted again. We've just been running so hard. I was planning on starting my bedroom painting tomorrow, but instead I think I will take the day off. Or do some light shopping. Anything but paint, that's for sure. My back is just done for - spina bifida and massive painting don't really mix - just for the record.

We've had such a long weekend. I never realized how exhasting weekends would be now that Rob is a pastor. I hope he eventually decides to move his day off to Monday, just so we can recoup. Friday night we went out with another couple to get all the supplies for our Superbowl party. We had a really good time, but it was a late night and after I had painted all day. Saturday started with a prayer breakfast, then I had a youth over to help paint and for lunch, then we spent the rest of the day putting the living room / dining room back together. I sacked out pretty early last night and hit the ground running this morning with sunday school and service. We came home and ate lunch and hurried around to get ready for the superbowl party, which started at 5 and is still going, I had to get the kids to bed so I'm hear trying not to konk before Rob gets back. He's running all the kids home after the game.

I love our new job. It's taking some adjustment, but it's so us and I know we are going to be really good at it, once we work out the kinks.

This should be a good week for us. We are really excited to go to Springfield and see our pal and pick up our furniture. I was daydreaming about going to the Mills too, just cause we haven't been in a long time. We'll see what Rob thinks. I'm hoping to get the master bedroom painted, but we'll see. I also finally have a vision for the kitchen, I'm thinking red walls with white trim and beige cabinets, then going with red accent pieces too. Very excited to finally have some direction in that room, but it will be atrocious removing all that horrid green ivy wall paper. details.

Well, I'm going to go because I'm probably not making any sense at all. I really will post some pics tomorrow. The camera is still at the church with Rob. I took a ton of pictures tonight, so that should be fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I'm really looking forward to seeing some pictures of the living room!! If you think of me, tomorrow you can pray for me at 10! =) I'm sure I'll catch you in the next day or so! K--