Feb 28, 2006

Sarah's room.

Well, I guess I forgot to take before pictures. Sorry. But trust me, it was hideous. Bright red (thinly coated - ack!) with a tan/yellow lower half and some frightening border. I promise you will find my house borderless. I still need to paint the trim work in here, but I've lost momentum. Hoping to pick back up tomorrow and start working on the kitchen. (dread creeps in)

Sarah's room is cute. The crib is a little displaced right now because she keeps turning the light on when I lay her down, so I had to move it away from that wall. She's a real pistol today. You know that verse in the Bible, the one about satan stalking about like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour? That's Sarah right now. I know that's terrible, but she's just looking for trouble! She just wanders my house moving from disaster to disaster. I can barely keep up. She's napping right now and I'm enjoying the peace!

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