Feb 7, 2006

Just checking in.

I'm a little insane to be blogging right now. There is so much to do around here, it's crazy. That super-overwhelmed feeling is sinking in again, but I keep trying to tell myself it's all fun stuff, nothing miserable. I'm thinking of taking a tiny bit of me time this morning, while Eli's at school and Brea's sleeping. There's so much to do around the house, but some scrapbooking might give me a sliver of perspective.

I was just eating my breakfast (townhouse crackers and a dp - terrible, I know) and decided to check in here really quick, so you don't all think I've died lately. I say that as though I have some incredibly large audience and the reality is that there are about four readers out there, but whatever.

I've been thinking a lot. Painting gives you a lot of thinking time. We are so incredibly blessed right now. I keep pinching myself and asking "Is this our life?" because it's just surreal. I told Rob yesterday that I had gotten to a point in Ozark that I was wondering if my misery was even situational anymore, since it had been so long-standing. Sure enough, it was. I'm thrilled to find that I'm still happy glass-is-half-full Anna - only a bit more weathered than pre-MO condition. I can still find joy in the little things and I really love my life. Whew!

Today's to-do list:

* finish laundry (ack!)
* finish removing color and re-dying douvet cover - already in process. I'm going a deep chocolate for the master bedroom. (oooh, romantic!)
* actually FEED my family at some point today - something other than PB&J.
* prep the master bedroom for painting.
* have Rob help me move the furniture from that room.
* write thank-yous for Eli's birthday party. (2 weeks later - ergh!)
* decorate the bulletin board over at church. (they found out I scrapbook, so that's on my job list now - fun for me!)
* maybe run to O'Fallon and look for some material for the headboard, and MAYBE put it together just because that sounds like so much fun!

Yeah, I'm pretty much crazy. But you all knew that anyhoo. Have a great day. I know I will!


Anonymous said...

Write thankyou notes, make a headboard, do a bulletin board: my my, Martha Stewart's got nothing on you! I just couldn't resist on being your first responder, Anna! Busy, busy day. You go Girl! Have a great day today and God bless you.
PS. Love the dark chocolate brown for your bedroom. I started out with chocolate brown, but Drew's comment made me change my mind to a golden bronze instead. Love you.

Unknown said...

What are you, Super Girl???