Feb 21, 2006


A new group. Still missing my Springfield girls. But tonight I taught a class for HAG (my secret acronym for Hartford Assembly of God - Kyndal, take this secret to your grave!) and the ladies loved it!! We wound up going two and a half hours, I think they could have gone longer. But we are leaving for Rockford in the am, and I have to finish packing and laundry. Oy Vey! (I'm sure that's not spelled right, but details, right?)

Seriously, they are really going to get into it, I can see it already. I feel bad, like I'm leading lambs to slaughter into this strange and wonderful hobby, so consuming! I can't help myself, I need some chronies. Plus, they asked me to teach tonight, it wasn't forced or anything.

Well, I'm wiped and I have loads of laundry to fold and packing to finish. Hopefully I'll find some internet to use in Rockford and keep you updated. Monty Hipp is speaking. He's awesome. And Sarah Kelly is leading worship. It should be pretty awesome. But best of all, tomorrow is IKEA day. THAT, my friends, will be awesome. I can't wait!!!

[do you think I use the word 'awesome' enough? Surely not.]

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